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How to Upload a Bok Test Bank to Moodle

Uploading Multiple Selection Questions in Majority to Moodle

This page has been updated to reflect the Moodle 3.nine upgrade

***The content on this page will be continually updated.

Final updated: Jan 21, 2022, eleven:19 a.thou.

Adding questions in bulk can be a time-saving way to populate quizzes. There are a few means of adding quiz questions to Moodle in bulk. I of these is the AIKEN format is a very like shooting fish in a barrel fashion to add together questions using a Give-and-take processor.  Withal, please note it is merely possible to upload multiple choice questions.

The procedure consists of 2 bones steps:

1. Create the text file with the questions

ii. Import the questions into Moodle past uploading the text file

Part I: Creating multiple-selection questions in a text file using the Aiken format

Creating a single certificate containing all of your multiple-option questions will save you time, specially if you accept a large number of questions. Y'all tin and so this document into Moodle's Question Depository financial institution in ane get. You tin further edit your questions and answer choices in Moodle one time imported. These instructions follow the Aiken format

Note: There is another Format called GIFT, which supports the import of multiple-choice, true or false and make full-in-the-blank and essay type questions, but information technology is non as straightforward as Aiken.

1. Use a text editor (EG: Notepad on Windows or Word with plain text on Mac).

  1. Correct click your mouse anywhere on your desktop, select New and then Text Document
  2. Name this .txt file
  3. Open up the file

Note: If y'all already wrote your questions in a Word certificate, copy and paste them into this text file and reformat your questions following Pace 2.

two. Write multiple-choice questions using the Aiken format. Refer to the screenshot below for visual representation to the format.

  1. The question must exist all on one line (A question longer than one line will be truncated. You lot tin can edit information technology in Moodle Question banking concern to set this once imported).
  2. Each answer pick must start with a single uppercase letter, followed by a period or subclass then a space.
  3. The answer line must immediately follow, starting with Respond: (all capital letter), then a space, and so follow with the appropriate uppercase letter.
  4. Exercise NOT use question numbers. Remove them if yous already have them. Moodle volition generate question numbers later.
  5. Leave a bare line (space) between questions.
  6. Leave no extra spaces at the get-go or end of the quiz.

Note: These formatting requirements are necessary for Moodle to recognize and accept your questions into the Question bank.

These formatting requirements are necessary for Moodle to recognize and accept your questions into the Question bank.

3. Save as a UTF-8 encoding .txt file

When you are finished formatting the exam, select File Save equally. Name your file accordingly and select UTF-viii nether Encoding. Save this to your Desktop.

Save as a UTF-8 encoding .txt file

Role II: Importing questions into Moodle Question bank

Once y'all take created and properly formatted your .txt file, yous may import your questions into Moodle Quiz.

1. Add a Category in the Question Bank

1. Log in to Moodle with your netname and password. You can also access Moodle by logging in to the Educatee Hub and going to My CU Account.

2. Find your specific course in the MY CONCORDIA COURSES carte bar, and click it.

3. On your course principal page, select theActions menugear on the left-hand side, a driblet-downwardly list volition open. From theAction menu drop-downwardly listing, selectMore. TheCourse assistants folio will open.

Opening course administration page

4. On the Course assistants page, click on Question banking concern

Click on question bank

5. Click on Categories in the tiptop navigation line. In the Proper noun field, enter the title of your quiz, and so click Add together category at the bottom.

Click categories, set the name of your quiz in the name field, click add category

new category "final exam" is not visible

Your new category will appear on the Edit categories page.

2. Import Questions to the New Category

ane. Click on Import in the top navigation line. Click on the arrow beside Full general to aggrandize this section. In the Import category list, choose the title of your quiz category.

Click import, select general, name the quiz category in import category field

two. In the Import questions from file section, select the Aiken checkbox. Drag and drib the .txt file containing your questions into the dotted box or click Choose a file to upload the file past browsing. When the file is selected, click Import.

Select Aiken checkbox, select and import a .txt file from your computer with your questions

3. If your upload was successful, you lot will exist able to select Continue.

If your upload was successful, you will be able to select Continue

Note: If there is an error, you volition get a bulletin indicating all the questions that are not correctly formatted. You volition need to go back to your text file and correct the formatting and re-exercise step #6.

4. Once complete, you will see all your questions displayed. Clicking on the Edit listing next to a question, then click on Edit question from the list. This will bring y'all to the question editing page. Here you tin can edit your question text, respond choices, right answer(south) and marks assigned for each answer pick, etc.

Under questions tab, select the category and edit the question in the list

Warning: Imported questions always accept "Shuffle the choices" on. If you have questions with answers similar "both a and b" or "all/none of the above", make sure yous get to the question editing folio for each of these questions and uncheck Shuffle the choices one by one.

Note: that the Aiken format only supports multiple-choice questions with one right answer.


If you remember y'all'll need assistance with this workflow, delight contact u.s. at  education@concordia.ca.

We are here with you to help you lot through this procedure.


Source: https://www.concordia.ca/ctl/digital-teaching/using-moodle/quizzes/bulk-upload.html

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