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How to Upload a Clip to Reddit

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This wikiHow teaches you how to create a post on Reddit. Yous can do this both on the desktop site and in the Reddit mobile app for iPhone and Android. Earlier posting on Reddit, you may also desire to review common posting etiquette.

  1. 1

    Open Reddit. Go to https://www.reddit.com/ in your preferred browser. As long equally you're already logged into Reddit, this will open the Reddit hot folio.[1]

    • If you aren't logged in, click Log in or sign up in the top-right corner, enter your username and password, and click LOG IN.
  2. ii

    Click the Abode tab. It's in the upper-left side of the Reddit page.


  3. 3

    Select a post type. Click ane of the following options on the correct side of the folio:[2]

    • Submit a new link - Allows y'all to post a link, a photograph, or a video.
    • Submit a new text post - Allows you to create a text-only mail.
    • Some subreddits only accept one postal service option, while others have several more than specific post options.
  4. iv

    Enter a title. Find the "championship" text box, and then type the title of your mail into the text box.

    • When posting a link, yous'll find the "title" text box virtually the eye of the form.
  5. 5

    Select a place to post. Check either the "Your contour" box or the "A subreddit" box. If you check the "A subreddit" box, you'll need to type in the name of a subreddit (e.g., worldnews) and so click the subreddit'southward name in the resulting drib-down menu.

    • Remember that many subreddits have their own set rules, exist sure to follow their rules earlier posting to avoid having your post removed past moderators.
  6. 6

    Create your mail. This procedure will differ slightly depending on the type of post y'all're making:

    • Link - Enter the web accost of the item you're sharing in the "URL" box. Y'all can also upload an image or video instead of a link by clicking Choose FILE in the "image/video" box and then selecting a file from your computer.
    • Text - Add together torso text by typing in the "text (optional)" box.
  7. 7

    Gyre down and check the "I'm not a robot" box. It'due south near the lesser of the folio.

  8. viii

    Click submit . It's at the lesser of the mail service window. Doing so volition upload your post to your specified subreddit.


  1. 1

    Open Reddit. Tap the Reddit app icon, which resembles an orange alien face. Reddit will open to your home page if you're already signed into your business relationship.[3]

    • If you aren't already logged in, tap LOGIN and enter your username and password to log in.
  2. 2

    Tap the Home tab. Information technology's at the top of the screen.

    • If you lot don't run into this tab at the top of the screen, first tap the Reddit icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
  3. three

    Tap the "Mail" icon. This pencil-shaped icon is at the bottom of the screen. Doing and then brings up a pop-up bill of fare with post options.

  4. 4

    Select a blazon of postal service. In the pop-up menu, tap i of the following options:

    • LINK
    • Epitome
    • VIDEO
    • TEXT
  5. 5

    Select a community. Tap the Cull a community link at the meridian of the page, then either tap My Profile to post to your contour or tap a subreddit on the resulting page.

    • You lot can also type a subreddit's name into the "Search" box at the top of this folio.
  6. half-dozen

    Add a title. Type the championship of your post into the "An interesting championship" text box that'due south nigh the top of the folio.

  7. vii

    Create your post. Depending on the type of post you selected, the data that you enter will vary:

    • LINK - Type the link accost into the "http://" field well-nigh the middle of the folio.
    • Prototype or VIDEO - Tap Camera or Library, then either take a photo or video, or select 1 from your iPhone's library.
    • TEXT - Type your text post'due south trunk text into the bottom text field (optional).
  8. 8

    Tap POST . It'southward in the top-right corner of the screen. Doing so volition post your content to your selected subreddit (or to your profile folio).


  1. 1

    Open Reddit. Tap the Reddit app icon, which resembles an orange alien face. Reddit will open to your home folio if y'all're already signed into your account.

    • If yous aren't already logged in, tap LOGIN and enter your username and countersign to log in.
  2. 2

    Tap the Abode tab. You'll see this option at the top of the screen.

    • If y'all don't see this tab at the top of the screen, first tap the Reddit icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
  3. iii

    Tap the "Post" icon. It'southward a blue-and-white icon in the lower-right side of the screen. Doing so prompts a pop-upwardly carte du jour to appear.

  4. 4

    Select a type of post. Depending on the type of post that you lot want to create, tap one of the post-obit options:

    • Postal service prototype/video
    • Post some text
    • Mail service a link
  5. 5

    Select a community. Tap the My profile link near the tiptop of the page, then select a subreddit or search for one in the text box almost the top of the folio.[4]

    • Skip this step if you desire to post to your profile instead of a specific subreddit.
  6. 6

    Add a title. Blazon your post's title into the text box that's below your selected mail service location.

  7. 7

    Create your postal service. Depending on your selected post type, this process volition vary:

    • Paradigm/Video - Tap either IMAGE, VIDEO, or LIBRARY, then either have a movie, record a video, or select a photograph from your library (respectively).
    • Text - Type your post's text into the "Describe in more than detail (optional)" text box.
    • Link - Enter your link in the text box that's below the title.
  8. 8

    Tap POST . It'south in the acme-correct corner of the screen. Doing so will mail service your content to your selected subreddit (or to your profile page).


  1. i

    Learn the global rules. These rules govern posting everywhere on Reddit:[5]

    • Don't post any sexual content featuring children or minors. This includes suggestive content.
    • Don't spam. Spamming is the practice of chop-chop posting the same affair over and over again, or filling upwardly posts with repeated information.
    • Don't effort to affect how people vote on your posts. Everything from begging to request politely is forbidden.
    • Don't post personal information. This includes your own data and that of others.
    • Don't impairment or interfere with the site itself.
  2. 2

    Follow the specific rules for each subreddit. Subreddits are governed by their ain secondary rules underneath Reddit's global rule ready. Nearly of these are written as content restrictions.

    • To learn the specific rules for a subreddit, tap the subreddit's link, tap the menu button in the summit-right corner of the screen, and tap Community Info (mobile), or check the right side of the main page of that subreddit (desktop).
    • Breaking subreddit rules won't become you in serious trouble with the site, simply information technology can get you and your mail service(southward) removed from that subreddit. It will too irritate other users of the subreddit.
  3. 3

    Study "reddiquette." Reddiquette is a combination of "Reddit" and "etiquette" that describes a set of common Dos and Don'ts of comport throughout nigh of the site. Some of the more important pieces of reddiquette include:[half dozen]

    • Exist courteous. Other commenters and posters are homo just like you. Consider what y'all would say if you confronted this person face-to-face up before posting.
    • Vote on other users' comments and submissions. Make sure that you but use the downvote choice for content or comments that don't fit the subreddit or don't add anything to the conversation.
    • Don't downvote simply considering y'all don't hold with the other person.
    • Make thoughtful posts, stay abreast of new posts, and link to outside sources responsibly. Meaning contribute to the conversation at mitt in a meaningful fashion. Redditors exercise not take kindly to blatant spam or self promotion. If y'all are upfront about what your link is, and it contributes to the chat and is applicable, so by all means mail. Blatant self promotion or attempts to garner traffic unremarkably are non met with favorably.
    • Let people know why you edited your comment. It is common courtesy to explain why your post has been edited, every bit everyone tin run across which posts have been edited.
    • Don't be intentionally rude. Reddit strives to foster an active community, and rudeness undermines that.
    • Don't start or participate in trolling and flame wars, which are attacks on other users without contributing to the give-and-take.


Add New Question

  • Question

    How do I become 10 karma on Reddit then that I tin upload a picture?

    Community Answer

    Become to a subreddit you like and select "new." Comment some advisable and positive things.

  • Question

    How tin can I respond to all of the comments on my mail service at one time?

    Community Answer

    You can't, only y'all can add an edit to the original postal service if y'all desire a message to be seen by anybody.

  • Question

    How do I link to some other post in a post?

    Community Answer

    Just re-create the url and paste information technology in the "url" section when submitting a post. Don't tell people to vote on it, equally that is against Reddit'south rules.

  • Question

    How practice I ask a question on Reddit?

    Community Answer

    Go to subreddits like /r/AskReddit, where people reply and asks questions.

  • Question

    How do I increase my comment karma on Reddit?

    Community Answer

    I recollect you lot should comment more often on popular subreddits with funny, sarcastic, clever, or artistic comments.

  • Question

    How practice I post a subreddit?


    Kickoff, you will need to reach an corporeality of karma (known only to some Reddit administrators). So, a button to create a subreddit volition appear on the right of your screen.

  • Question

    How tin I post a picture in a reddit post?

    Community Answer

    Get to Imgur.com. If your paradigm is on your computer, click the button marked "Computer." If the image is hosted elsewhere on the internet, go to where it's hosted, right click the epitome, select "re-create image location," saving the url to your clipboard.

  • Question

    How do I post a Reddit comment?

    Community Answer

    Click the "comments" button under a post and there should be a box with text input. You tin can't post comments on posts older than 6 months.

  • Question

    How do I stop the "NSFW" flag from appearing on my posts?

    Community Answer

    First, refer to the subreddit's "About" section or sidebar. Some subs automatically add this to any user post in their queue. If it is showing up on all of your posts regardless of the sub's rules, and so you probably have to flip a switch in your profile settings. These tin be found by going to your profile page and clicking on your name at the acme right hand corner of the screen. Under the "New Postal service" button there volition be a small "Settings" button. Click on this so click on "Profile Settings" in the drop down carte. If yous scroll all the way down to the lesser of this page, the last personalization option is "Content Type." Toggle the switch and you should be good!

  • Question

    Is Reddit full of cyberbullying?


    Information technology'southward well-nigh boilerplate for an anonymous forum. Yous can avert it by fugitive the most popular subreddits (which concenter all the bullies) and sticking to smaller communities.

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  • As with many social media sites, the minimum historic period to get a Reddit account is xiii.


  • Always follow the rules for your chosen subreddit, as they may include provisions in add-on to the usual Reddit rules.

  • Don't solely use Reddit for self promotion. Reddit is a site more for word rather than cocky promotion. Additionally, practise not spam.


Near This Article

Article Summary X

1. Log in to Reddit.
2. Click the Home tab.
3. Select a post type.
4. Enter a title.
5. Select where to post.
6. Create the post.
vii. Fill out the CAPTCHA.
viii. Click Submit.

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Post-on-Reddit

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